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Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Fibromyalgia Flare-up

Hi everyone, I hope you have all had a good day. I had a relatively good day. I gave a presentation in my graduate substance abuse class, I am working on my master's in community counseling. I also turned in two papers. Yeah, that is a lot of work to have due in one day. I managed to get through the class portion of my day, but you guessed it this evening I have one those wonderful Fibromyalgia Flare Ups. This post is going to be very short because I need to lie down, but I wanted to write to you about the use of diaphragmatic breathing to combat pain. I found this article today and I think it has a good breakdown of how to engage in diaphragmatic breathing: You might not think that diaphragmatic breathing could work for you, but I can assure you that I have used it to combat my fibromyalgia and I also used it when I had pancreatitus (no I am not an alchoholic, even though most people who get pancreatitus are). Some people compare pancreatitus pain to childbirth. The best way I can describe it is to say that it feels like someone is blowing up a balloon inside of you and ultimately you are going to bust. The reason for my explaining pancreatitus is to show you that diaphragmatic breathing can help alleviate even excrutiating pain. Lamaze for childbirth is all about diaphramatic breathing. I think I have gotten my point accross. At least try it, it won't cost you a thing, and you don't have to learn how to do anything your body doesn't already know how to do. If you would like to step up your breathing exercisizes try a guided breathing exercise like the one in this clip One recommendation, go into this with an open mind and a desire to become calm and relaxed. A lot of Fibromyalgia pain comes from being stressed and staying in a keyed up stance. Thats all I have. Please let me know if you did the diaphragmatic breathing, and if so how it effected you. Sarah


  1. Thank you, Sarah, that was a very interesting article about diaphramatic breathing. I have been doing that for some time now and it really DOES work...I use it for both pain and anxiety. Hope everyone else who reads your blog gives this a try! It's a keeper! Have a good one and relax now. You deserve it! :0)

  2. Thanks Missy, I did a lot of deep breathing to help myself relax last night and get through the flare up and thankfully I am feeling much better this morning. I also liked how you mentioned that you used diaphragmatic breathing for anxiety as well for your fibromyalgia, I use it for that reason to..its one great tool to have at your disposal..I hope you have a great day without a lot of Fibromyalgia pain or anxiety!
